You would like to support our “Bitcoin Accepted Here” Project? That makes us very grateful, because we depend on every donation.
You may wonder why we need donations. Let me tell you. The operation of our project is not cheap. Alone the costs that arise when visitors visit our website and thus load the map. You do not believe what it costs. To be precise, I can tell you. Google charges between $5 and $7 per 1,000 views of map material. So you see, we can use every donation to entertain and grow the project. There are still a dozen other cost traps, but I do not want to discuss them all.
Donate with:
BTC: 3KneDRLor1W3siAi6fPNonMRE8z5uXJFGQ
ETH: 0x4408c6335b9F200db0Aa706c06De29d9552e5716
BCH: 18HpU8bx5HqVExCVpQzoyW2BdJbwn31V6c
LTC: ME8T35Qb33mX3VPzu7jzCE6HMNsyfi2rXr
BAT: 0x2DaA33400A5Ed07b7b68Ec730B700FF44abf52C3
ZRX: 0xdd8A7Cde068648264cdffF376554e7A8acd23729
MKR: 0xC643A8651271f5Ad2bf3199428A2743e44Dc5575
ENJ: 0xC643A8651271f5Ad2bf3199428A2743e44Dc5575
LINK: 0xC643A8651271f5Ad2bf3199428A2743e44Dc5575
MCO: 0xC643A8651271f5Ad2bf3199428A2743e44Dc5575
CRO: 0xC643A8651271f5Ad2bf3199428A2743e44Dc5575